14861 Twisted Tree Trail Palm Beach Gardens Fl
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The 10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

The city of Palm Beach Gardens is home to sunny beaches and 56,000 people, approximately 30% of whom are 65 or over. Amid the mansions and landmarks of this historic town, there are also several assisted living facilities and many attractions for those wishing to retire here.
The beautiful year-round climate yields 237 sunny days and a snow-free climate that locals and visitors bask in. The annual temperature range falls between 55 and 90 degrees. The EPA's air quality rating for Palm Beach Gardens is 79, much higher than the national average of 55. Nature-loving seniors can view sea turtles at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center and scout for Everglades wildlife at the Grassy Waters Preserve.
There are several major hospitals, such as Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, in Palm Beach Gardens, so seniors can feel confident that help is nearby for emergency treatment. There are also several senior centers that provide services and activities for seniors.
The average cost of assisted living in Palm Beach Gardens is $3,500 per month, with prices that vary based on services and amenities. This is well below the national average of $4,051 per month, and equal to the Florida median monthly cost.
Note: Information for Palm Beach Gardens was not available, so data from the nearest city, Port St. Lucie, was used.
Review our list of the top 10 assisted living facilities in Palm Beach Gardens.
Source: https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/assisted-living-in-palm-beach-gardens-fl
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