This Couldnt Happen Again This Is the Thrill Divine

Is the Universe guiding u.s.?

The starting time perspective is that nosotros are completely alone in this world, in a canis familiaris-eat-domestic dog society, where everything ultimately falls onto our shoulders to bear. Like Atlas in mythology, we believe that nosotros must carry the weight of the globe without whatever back up or guidance, because "that is what it means to be human." This perspective says we must compete, fight, and hoard because "there isn't enough expert to become around."

The second perspective is that we are actually not alone, and while the ego may feel divide from others, spiritually, we are all connected. Not only are we all fundamentally 1, but we too have access to guidance whenever we need aid. While this guidance may come in the form of angelic, spirit guide, totemic, ancestral or synchronistic assistance, all guidance is always a manifestation of the Divine or Higher Self. Not just that, but considering the Divine is the eternal source of all abundance, in that location is e'er enough practiced to go effectually.

Depending on your perspective, you volition either agree or disagree with this article. Personally, my experience shows me that the 2d perspective – that the Divine is ever guiding us – is closest to the truth. Let me explain why.

When I tightly grasped the perspective that everything was essentially upwardly to us and what nosotros could "make" happen, I was always full of fear and my center was closed towards others. I believed that I had to fight my way through life, and because my free energy reservoirs were limited, I had to desperately cling to my successes and accomplishments. Through time, this perspective led to my heart becoming more than and more closed. I would feel suspicion, anger, and even resentment towards others who were "blocking" my abundance or trying to "accept information technology away" from me. Not merely that, but I was utterly exhausted, like poor Atlas!

Finally, what I can only call Divine Guidance helped me to see that cypher in this life actually belongs to me. All is given by the Divine, and all is taken away by the Divine. Even obstacles and roadblocks can be sacred signs from the universe and gifts in disguise, helping us to realign with our true life paths.

How Does the Universe Communicate With You?

Most people are surprised to find that the Universe is extremely nowadays in our lives, and emerges in even the most mundane details. In every moment nosotros can tune into the guidance, wisdom, and love of the Divine if nosotros are open and receptive.

You don't fifty-fifty have to exist remotely religious or spiritual to understand what the Universe is communicating with you lot. In fact, sometimes it's improve to have no ideas or behavior about how the Universe "should" communicate with y'all at all. Many people believe that the Divine only speaks through amazing, miraculous, ethereal events, and unfortunately, this blocks the flow of advice. But the truth is that the Divine is merely as nowadays in the grime and boiler of daily life equally it is in the "special" moments. The Universe sends messages everywhere.

I have received messages from the Divine in the shower, on the toilet, while doing the dishes, cleaning, going grocery shopping, and many other commonplace situations. Quite ofttimes the Universe will communicate through dreams, strange "coincidences," repetitive numbers and word, songs, animals, meditation, other people, random objects, and endless other forms.

And yes, the Universe volition as well tell you when you're making the wrong decision. No matter what y'all call the Eternal Force (whether information technology be God, Life, Jehovah, Shiva, Shakti etc.), it is inseparable from you, and therefore knows what does and doesn't align with your destiny.

xi Warning Signs From the Universe

Through our optics, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. – Alan Watts

The Divine seamlessly flows inside and without us, constantly trying to catch our attending and guide our decisions. When we are ruled by the will of the small cocky (the ego), we tend to follow paths that don't ultimately benefit u.s.a.. We make poor choices, do things that hurt united states and others, and lose impact with our life purpose.

How tin can you lot tell whether you're on the right path?

The Universe will send aplenty signs! You lot needn't worry. And when you do receive these signs, don't fret either. As long as you pay attention, inquire the Divine for further guidance, and strive to modify course, you will rapidly shift back onto a good for you and beneficial path.

Remember that any alert signs from the Universe that you experience are there not to injure you, but instead, are there to alert you. Sometimes warning signs even come in the grade of a big slap to the face saying "wake the heck upward!!" While these signs can exist shocking or alarming, they ultimately arise for our highest proficient. So be mindful, approach them with humor, and pay attention.

Here are eleven common warning signs from the Universe that are telling you to stop what y'all're doing:

1. Unexpected delays arise

For instance, yous might become stuck in traffic, miss your train, discover that the flight tickets are booked out, or observe that a spontaneous event arises which messes up your plans.

2. You have an uneasy feeling in your tum

You might feel a sense of queasiness or sickness inside of yous. This negative gut feeling might non become away, no matter what thoughts you have or plans you lot make.

3. You lot go along losing things

Either something is stolen from you or you're misplacing things. The temporary daze of losing something wakes yous up.

4. You're getting into frequent fights

Fiery arguments and silly disagreements continue popping up constantly. These arguments might be with your loved ones or with random strangers.

five. You can't sleep properly

Yous tin can't stop thinking and this is preventing you from falling asleep. Yous might accept a unmarried thought that keeps circling around your mind or a fearful scenario that may be playing out over and over again.

6. You keep getting sick

Sickness seems to be preventing you from doing what y'all desire to do. You might develop chronic headaches, migraines, colds, or other forms of sickness that demand you to boring downwards.

seven. You're more than clumsy than usual

You might keep stubbing your toe, bumping your elbow, stumbling, dropping things, etc.

viii. Dread or anxiety fills you

An inexplicable sense of dread or anxiety seems to follow you wherever you go, as if "something really bad" is near to happen.

9. You keep seeing "negative omens"

Negative spiritual signs or omens are highly personal and subjective, and equally such, they change all the time. Therefore, instead of seeing negative omens as "stock-still" or objective "facts," simply run into them as subjective signs that your mind picks upwardly on and perceives to be true for you in a specific moment. For example, I might see a flock of black crows as a negative omen or broken traffic lights every bit a sign that a certain decision of mine is misguided. Be aware and conscious of how your mind reacts to different signs throughout the solar day.

10. You go into accidents

Accidents are oft big signs that it'due south time to change grade immediately. Accidents can be physical or emotional/mental. For case, you might accidentally say something to offend your boss which causes them to stop giving you regular shifts. On the other mitt, you might get into a machine accident or have a household mishap which causes yous to remain crippled in a bed for a few days or weeks.

11. Uncanny roadblocks and challenges continue arising

For some reason, things aren't aligning no matter HOW much effort you're putting in. You lot go along coming across roadblocks and barriers which foreclose yous from getting what y'all want or think you accept to practice. When you lot accept a step forward, something might happen which causes yous to take 2 steps back. All of your struggling and fighting doesn't seem to be paying off.

More In-Depth Help

Want to larn more about beingness in melody with the universe? In our book The Spiritual Awakening Procedure, nosotros give more than in-depth guidance:

What to Exercise When Your Receive Warning Signs From the Universe

Keep in heed that it is common to feel things such every bit losing sleep or getting stuck in traffic. Merely because yous stubbed your toe doesn't necessarily hateful that yous are on the wrong path.

However, when you are experiencing many of these signs from the Universe all at once or consecutively, please pay attention. Ask yourself, "What am I doing, thinking or planning right now which might be opposing my highest good?"

Depending on how aware you lot are, alarm signs from the universe can range from subtle roadblocks to full-blown barricades. The more asleep you lot are, the bigger and more glaringly obvious the signs will be.

If you do feel like you are receiving alarm signs from the Universe, exist proactive rather than worrying or becoming miserable. Oft, shifting dorsum to the best path requires a minimal corporeality of effort. Other times, you need to carefully reconsider your choices or intentions. Merely whatever the case, it is e'er possible to modify direction.

Here are some tips for realigning with your ultimate life path:

  • To receive confirmation that you're on the wrong path, tune into your intuition. Ask, "Am I on the right path?" Pay attending to the feelings and sensations that ascend in your trunk. For example, if your torso reacts with a feeling of heaviness, this is a sign that you demand to alter something. If your trunk feels calorie-free and jubilant, this is likely a sign that you're doing well. Read more about how to trust your intuition.
  • Breathe deeply and thank the Universe for alerting you. Y'all might even like to say a prayer request for guidance like I exercise. For instance, yous might pray, "Dear Universe, please assistance me exist aware of what needs to change in my life. Guide my actions and prevent me from walking down the wrong path. Help me to be apprehensive, open, and receptive. Testify me the adjacent steps I need to take considering I can't exercise this without you."
  • Spend time alone in introspection. Think about what needs to change. You might like to journal to record your thoughts and feelings (I do this when I demand clarity).
  • Discover the sense of humor in what happened (if possible). Humor is an excellent mode to lighten your free energy and open your heart. Sometimes the Universe sends the most bizarrely humorous signs to gently slap us and wake us up.
  • Meditate to articulate your mind.
  • If yous're dislocated about what yous need to change, pay attending to the context. For example, were you thinking, doing or planning something when a series of signs occurred?

Finally, remember that y'all and the Universe are not divide. In reality, you are the Universe, so whatever signs that ascend are coming from the eternal presence that underlies your entire identity. While it tin experience similar something "out there" is guiding you, actually, your very Soul is the 1 guiding yous.

I hope this article has helped to clarify any concerns yous're having about your life path. If you lot would like to read more about signs from the Universe, you might similar to read my soul advice article.

Please feel free to share any thoughts or insights below.

11 Major Warning Signs From the Universe


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